💡 Use this template to define a plan for your career. This will help you to clearly understand what you need to do and where you can improve. Credit to Omar Halabieh for the structure of the template.
❓ How to use it?
- Fill in all of the details for your case.
Career aspiration
(Define your long-term career objectives)
- Grow in the IC track as much as possible (Senior, Staff, Principal, Distinguished)
Short/medium-term objectives
(Define what you want to achieve in the short and medium term to reach your career aspirations)
- Become a Senior Software Engineer
- Become a Staff Software Engineer
Career Growth Goals
- Area of development: What area/skill will this goal help you develop or improve?
- Goal (SMART): Define your goal using the SMART methodology (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound).
- Timeline: Set a timeline for when you intend to achieve this goal.
- Status: What is the current status of this goal? (Not started, On hold On track, Risk (yellow), Will not achieve (red), Done (green))
- Last review date: When was this goal last reviewed?
- Dependencies: Are there any actions by or support needed from others you are relying on to achieve this goal?
- Resources: What resources (technology, knowledge, time, etc.) do you need to achieve this goal?